Disabling only the initial display of Maintenance Operations screen

Max Spicer m.spicer@csl.gov.uk
Mon, 18 Feb 2002 10:03:10 -0000

I know that it is possible to disable the maintenance operations 
screen in Imp 3.0 by locking the appropriate options to false in 
prefs.php.  However, this also prevents the user from ever enabling 
maintenance operations in the future (without an admin change to the 
prefs.php file).

I think it is inappropriate for a new imp user to be confronted with 
a potentially confusing maintenance screen the first time they use 
imp.  However, as they get more used to imp, they should be able to 
turn on the various maintenance options via the Options link in imp.  
I therefore want to disable the Maintenance Operations screen, but 
not the actual configuration of the maintenance operations.  Is there 
any way to do this at present?


Max Spicer

Max Spicer				Phone:	+44 (0)1904 462286
Systems Development Engineer/IST	GTN:	5129 
Central Science Laboratory		Fax:	+44 (0)1904 462111
Sand Hutton				Email:	m.spicer@csl.gov.uk
York YO41 1LZ				Web:	http://www.csl.gov.uk

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