Spell Check Problem With "Change All" Option
Steve Siegelman
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 18:31:51 -0500
I am having a problem with spell checking at the moment. When I click on the
spell check icon it brings me to the Spell Check screen with the first three
spelling errors. When I select "Change All" to correct a spell error, the text
which is being edited gets distorted.
For example, the above paragraph appears as follows after spell checking and
selecting "Change All":
IIammhavinggaaproblemmwithhspelllcheckinggatttheemomenttWheneI clickconotheh
spellingnerrorsrWhenWIeselectlChangehAlletheltesthoftthe edithwhichtish
edited getsedistorteds
I get similar results using ispell or aspell.
Has anyone else seen this problem?
I am running the following releases:
Apache 1.3.22
mod_ssl 2.8.5-1.3.22
OpenSSL 0.9.6c
PHP 4.1.1
Horde 2.1-cvs
IMP 3.1-cvs
Turba - 1.1-cvs
MySQL 3.23.47
ispell 3.2.06 or aspell .33.7.1
Steve Siegelman
Steve Siegelman
Emory University
Tech Services/ITD
(404) 712 - 8914