Printing Quota Warning - WAS: How to print username and password

Mauricio Cuenca
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 11:34:27 -0500


I was asking how to get username and password in order to query the IMAP
server and show a warning if the user is approaching a specified quota
limit. Now I have the answer and someone could be interested:

We do not have quotas set up on our IMAP server. Our mailbox may have
unlimited size, so we decided to send a warning to users exceeding certain
limit in the size of his/her mailbox. These are the changes that I made:

* /horde/imp/config/conf.php
// If this option is set to 1. The mailbox  will show a message to the user
if his/her
// mailbox size is exceeding or approaching the limits given below.
$conf['mailbox']['warning_limit_show'] = 1;

// This is the maximum size of the mailbox, based on this settings the
mailbox will
// display a warning message. The size is giving in bytes.
$conf['mailbox']['warning_limit_approaching'] = 8000000;
$conf['mailbox']['warning_limit_reached'] = 10000000;
$conf['mailbox']['warning_message_approaching'] = 'You're approaching the
$conf['mailbox']['warning_message_reached'] = 'You reached the limit. Delete
some files!';

* /horde/imp/mailbox.php
 * Check if the user is approaching or exceeding the size limit. This size
is specified
 * in the conf file (bla).
function show_limit_warning() {
    global $imp, $prefs, $conf;

    $get_info = imap_mailboxmsginfo($imp['stream']);

        $mailbox_size = $get_info->Size;

    if ($mailbox_size >= $conf['mailbox']['warning_limit_reached'])
        echo "<p align=\"center\"><font
    elseif ($mailbox_size  >= $conf['mailbox']['warning_limit_approaching'])
        echo "<p align=\"center\"><font


* /horde/imp/templates/mailbox/
<?php if (isset($conf['mailbox']['warning_limit_show'])) {
show_limit_warning(); } ?>

None of the code was changed, al this lines were added to the respective

Hope someone qualifies this as usefull, at least it was for me =)

Mauricio Cuenca

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mauricio Cuenca" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 6:14 PM
Subject: [imp] How to print username and password

> Hello,
> We are customising IMP and we need to print the login and password of the
> current user. I know this could be dangerous, but we really need to do it.
> We need the password in order to pass it to other app and display the
> in the INBOX.
> I tried using this variables:
> $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['imp']['user']
> $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['imp']['pass']
> $imp[user];
> $imp[pass];
> But none of them worked...
> How can I obtain username/password from IMP ???
> TIA,
> ______________________
> Mauricio Cuenca
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