Javascript Error on mailbox display

Dan Wilson
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:40:05 -0700

When a subject has an apostrophy in it, I get a javascript error when veiwing 
my mailbox.

I've tracked it down to the onmouseover event setting the window.status.  It 
looks like rather than escaping the apostrophy (with a backslash), it adds 
another apostrophy in there (SQL style apostrophy escaping).  This causes an 
error "Expecting ';' at line....".

I looked at the code and IMP uses addslashes, but it's doing it a little funky.

Is this a configuration problem on my side?  I updated my server to be 
PHP4.1.1 just recently and I can't remember when it started happening, but 
that may have done it.

However, I've continued to update from cvs as well, so it could have been 
caused by one of the recent changes.
