[imp] how do you save your preferences in IMP 3.0?

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 12:39:31 +0100

Zitat von alton.yu@shocknetwork.com:

> I could go to prefs.php, but the prefs aren't saved.
> Where do they go? 
> Can I put them in the ldap?
> If so, where do I set that up? basedn, rootdn, etc - how do I get it to
> query 
> the server?

Read docs/INSTALL.


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>From alexis@sukria.net Date: 28 Feb 2002 14:05:34 +0100
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Subject: unseen messages IMP 3.0

OK, after looking at the code of mailbox.php

I understood that unseen flags are only managed when using an IMAP

In the case of pop3 server, nothing is done :

===] mailbox.php [==========================

if (!strstr($imp['protocol'], 'pop3')) {

// ... all the flags for IMAP ...

else {
        $flags[] = 0;


How can I enable those kind of features with pop3 servers ?

much and much features are not working with pop3 servers...

It seems that IMP3 is designed for IMAP servers isn't it ???

Alexis Sukrieh | alexis@sukria.net

... sometimes seen as sukria ...
