[imp] Setting up the IMAP server to connect

Jorge Izquierdo jizquierdo@sgi.es
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:21:39 +0100

Hi everybody. I'm still confused about the process by which IMP 3.0 sets the IMAP
server to connect whe the user logs in. I know that servers.php file is involved in
this process but I donīt know which php file is the one which sets the variable
which points the server to connect (and which is this variable??). I'm trying to
add some code to select the server for each user based on an LDAP lookup (with the
user login name as athe argument for the search) but I donīt know where I should
put this new code.

Coul anyone give me some hints on this? Does anybody perform an LDAP query to get
the IMAP server to connect? Which file I should edit? If the answer would be
editing the imp_get_vinfo function, whatīs the behaviour of this function during
the login process? how should I edit it to solve my problem?

I would be very pleased with any hint on this.

Thanks again
