[imp] Returning to mail from addressbook

Tiago Fioreze tapera@inf.ufsm.br
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:39:15 -0300

  In file turba/config/conf.php

  // This is an array of applications (using the names defined in
  // horde/config/registry.php) to include links to in the menubar. An
  // example providing a link to IMP (an email program) would be:
  // $conf['menu']['apps'] = array('imp');
  $conf['menu']['apps'] = array('imp');

  Bye !!!

Citando Jorge Izquierdo <jizquierdo@sgi.es>:

> Hello, Iīve successfully installed Turba with IMP and I have configured
> IMP files to access the addressbook from the IMP pages, but, whatīs the
> way to add a link to return to IMP from addressbook? I think there must be
> some way of doing this without hitting the back button of th browser,
> isnīt it?
> Thanks for helping.
> Jorge
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