Extra newlines wrt signatures

Iain McBride imcbride@imajica.org
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 18:43:50 -0500 (EST)

I noted that when the $sig_first setting for an identity is true, there
are several extra newlines added below the signature when the COMPOSE
action is called.

Try as I might, I couldn't figure out exactly where these newlines
were being introduced in compose.php.

This also manifests itself if the $sig_first setting is true, yet there is
no signature defined.

There is even a single extra newline in the message body when you just hit
"compose" with no signature, and no sig_first.

All in all, it just appears that newlines are being added where they
really shouldn't be.

Any pointers/reasoning as to why this is happening?  I'd be happy to chew
through more code, but I'm sure it would be easier for someone who knows
the ins and outs already to find.

On another note.. I've gone and changed the format of the prefix content
for REPLY and FORWARD actions to mimic pine's output.  Is anyone
interested in these sorts of changes in the production branch, or is
look&feel of the text output set in stone?  If these changes are desired,
who should I submit them to?
