SSL on courier-Imap fails

Mon, 18 Mar 2002 02:11:59 +0100


the Server runs courier-Imap-ssl.
I have no problems connecting via mail-client or the IMP-Demo-Site on port 993 .. but with my IMP-Installation,i get LOGIN FAILUREs (horde-log) .. 
but only with imap-ssl -.. simple IMAP works ! .. the courier-logfile doesnt give me any hint on this connections (from my local IMP) .. 

i guess that there could be a problem with the php-imap(php 4.1.1) part (compiled into apache) .. but i cant get any debug-output
for this problem 

can someone please give me some hint where the misconfiguration could be .. 



besides that i still got this Folder-problem i already described , but it seems that never happened to anyone before .. (well this also works fine
with the IMP-Demo-Page ) .