horde2.1RC1/imp3.1RC1 Missing body text with REPLY

Albert Modderman Modderman@FT.han.nl
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:40:15 +0100


Yust upgraded from Horde 2.0/3.0 to Horde2.1RC1 /IMP3.1RC1/turba1.1RC1.
When I Reply a message then the body of the message is missing/not
copied with the "> " prefix.
Do I have to look at my config ? where or is this a error.

Albert Modderman     <mailto:Modderman@FT.han.nl>
tel:(31)26-3658 142 fax:(31)26-3645 066
PB 2217  6802 CE ARNHEM Netherlands