[imp] strange behaviour of imp when accessing mailbox.

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 23:04:02 +0100

Zitat von Ulrich Stärk <uli@spielviel.de>:

> Hi there!
> I  managed to set up horde and imp and both seem to run without any
> errors. I am even able to log in to any imap mailbox I have on my imap
> server.
> When I am logged in and want to access my mailbox, it tells me to
> download a file maintenance and in konqueror it displays some wired byte
> code instead of showing my inbox. I thought this could be some problem
> with my IMAP server, so I tried one of my pop servers and the same thing
> happens there too. I compared my config to the running config of someone
> else's imp but the configs are just the same (except of the servers of
> course). I'm stuck now and in need of some help. Does someone know what
> this is?

That sounds like you have a really hard problem with your php installation. 
Did you pass the horde/test.php file or have any problems with other php 


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