Hiding hidden files from "folder" view

Chad chad_ny_01@yahoo.com
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 20:34:09 -0700 (PDT)

> I've just installed IMP 3 and I'm noticing hidden
> files (.bash, etc) are displayed when displaying in
> the "folders" section..  How can I keep hidden files
> from being displayed with browsing folders 
> from within IMP?
>>Set show_dotfiles to false.

Hummm.. Could there be another setting somewhere
(possibly in PHP4) that could effect this? 

I checked the "show_dotfiles to false" setting in my
/horde/imp/config/config.php file and it's already set
to "false". Yet all the bash files (anything hidden)
still appear via the "folders" view..  

My version of Apache is 1.3.23 and it's staticaly
compiled with Mod_SSL, MySQL, PHP4, Mod_Perl, and
MM.... Any suggestions would be appreciated...


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>From john@alzafran.com Date: Tue,  9 Apr 2002 00:56:29 -0400
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Subject: Re: [imp] Hiding hidden files from "folder" view

Is there a reason why you don't want to put your message files in a separate 
subdirectory?  This would be the simplest thing and would keep your home 
folder tidy.

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