[imp] autologin based on redirect.php
Liam Hoekenga
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 11:28:33 -0400
> It should work if you set $HTTP_POST_VARS['server'] to the _key_ value of
> the prefered server and set $conf['server']['server_list'] to 'show' or
> 'hidden'.
Could I get it to support multiple values from within servers.php w/o having to
do conditionals in my script?
Ie, say i've got entries like this in my servers.php
$servers['ourserver'] = array (
'preferred' => 'mail.umich.edu'
$servers['theirserver'] = array (
'preferred' => 'theirwebmail.umich.edu'
and I want to use the same installation to service both, just answering to
different virtual hosts. It seems if I allow IMP to display it's login screen,
it chooses the right mailserver... can I replicate this in our autologin script?