[imp] change_folders not shown when server_list == none

Alexander Skwar lists.ASkwar@DigitalProjects.com
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:40:45 +0200

»Chuck Hagenbuch« sagte am 2002-04-11 um 10:23:30 -0400 :
> Quoting Alexander Skwar <lists.ASkwar@DigitalProjects.com>:
> > I would have thought that this would cause an input field for the
> > folder prefix to be shown.  However, such a field is not shown.
> The folder prefix is set per-server in servers.php. Why do you need an 
> input field for it?

Because I'd like to have both the server list and the input fields for a
"custom" server, so to speak.  ie. The user should be able to either
choose a server or enter something on his own.

Alexander Skwar
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