[imp] feature request

Lance Sloan lsloan@umich.edu
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:19:00 -0400

I'm using IMP at the Univ. of Michigan and I've asked our sysadmins for 
a couple
of improvements in folder handling.  I don't think they have the time 
nor the
inclination to make improvements, so I hope this mailing place would be 
best place to make this request.

In the pop-up menu of folders for moving and copying messages, I'd like 
to see
"[new folder]" as a choice at the top of the menus.  And when that 
is chosen, Javascript would prompt the user for a name for that new 

The other improvement I'd like to see is that a pop-up menu of folders 
be added
to the compose message page.  Rather than just allowing the user to save
the message to "sent-mail" or whatever they have configured, let them 
one.  Of course, if an identity has a save folder selected that one 
would be the
default choice in the list.  That menu should also have the option of 
saving to
a new folder.
