[imp] Filter list

Nathan Stratton nathan@robotics.net
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:29:57 -0400 (EDT)

Does anyone know of a basic filter list that I can import into webmail? I 
know lots of people have different lists, but I can't seem to find any 
lists that I can import and I don't want to build a list by hand. Also in 
the filter list can you put strings of words together i.e. will:

bar bop
baz t bip

Input text:

Foo bar baz, then I went to baz t bip and found a frop.


*** bar baz, then I went to *** and found a frop.


I.E. Bar and baz may be ok words as long as they are not in bar bop or baz 
t bip format?
