[imp] expand names and $_prefs['search_fields']

Liam Hoekenga liamr@umich.edu
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:07:26 -0400 (EDT)

Hey guys -

It appears that $_prefs['search_fields'] assigns precidence to the search
sources you use, but not the fields within those sources..
    'value' => "personal_sql\tname\temail\numod\tuniqname\tname",

I'm pretty sure that personal_sql gets searched before umod (an ldap
server), but uniqname (aka "uid") and name (aka "cn") get searched at the
same time.

Here's the specifics... I created an entry in my sql addressbook for my
brother, Owen.

Our ldap directory has an entry for a person whose uid is "owen", and if I
search for Owen, it says "Please resolve ambigous address" I go to the
pulldown, and it shows me the entry from my personal addressbook first (my
brother), and then all of the cns that include "Owen" in them.  I'd kind
of expected the ldap entry who's uid matched exactly to show up at the
beginning of that list... maybe even, if it finds an exact match in one of
the sources, to only display that match when it displays the results from
that source.

It may be an entirely unreasonable expectation, but I thought I'd float it
by you guys.

I'll probably go back having the IMP queries against the ldap directory
only look for exact matches against uid.

Oh yeah, slightly related, neither turba, nor imp (via turba) handles the
LDAP server timing out (for whatever reason) very well.  It just returns
you to the search / message composition screen w/o an error.  This happens
a bunch if you search for something stupid ("cn=*john*").  I'm not
familiar enough with ldap to know whether it's just ldapsearch that says
"Sizelimit exceeded" or whether the ldap server actually returns that as
some sort of error code.  If the later, it would be nice if that
information were passed onto the user..

thanks a bunch