[imp] Problem with purging trash folder

Cedric Tardif sysadmin@destination.ca
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 09:52:27 -0400

Hi all,

Sorry ....

Have forget to change the number of day of a message to be delete :)

Have a good day !!
At 09:39 18/04/02, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Presently i have setup this :
>// how often to purge the Trash folder?
>// 'value': yearly = 1, monthly = 2, weekly = 3, daily = 4, every login = 5
>$_prefs['purge_trash_interval'] = array(
>    'value' => '5',
>    'locked' => true, 
>    'shared' => false,
>    'type' => 'select',
>    'desc' => _("Purge Trash how often:")
>But the trash don't empty at every login.
>Someone have a idea how to correct the problem ?
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