[imp] how to deal with sendmail starttls and auth?

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz@uni-bielefeld.de
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 15:56:56 +0200

Hi all,

I set up Horde/IMP from yesterdays cvs snapshot and I am amazed. Only thing
which does not work is sending mail.

The system on which IMP runs acts as a host for several virtual domains. For
user authentification sending mail I installed sendmail 8.12.3 with SMTP
AUTH (sasl) and STARTTLS (using a self signed certificate just for the
handshake to encrypt plain text passwort authentification like used by
Outlook). So users install my own CA's certificate so that mail client don't
blames about unproofed ssl certificate and have to give their username and
password for beeing allowed to send mail.

Handling IMAPS with IMP is pretty easy, even with self signed certificates.
But is there too a way for using sendmail with STARTTLS and AUTH?



Alexander Dalloz
Enger, Germany

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