[imp] Imp and virtual's.
Brad Dameron
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 14:18:47 -0700
First off I looked through the archives and didn't see anyone asking this
Here is my virtualhost line I currently use under imp 2.x and horde 1.x:
ServerName test6.tscnet.net
ServerAlias mail.*
DocumentRoot /web/htdocs/horde/imp
ErrorLog /var/log/apache/error_log
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
Alias /horde/ "/web/htdocs/horde/"
I have several hundred virtuals I want to point to this one install like I
do on my previous setup. But whenever I go to "mail.test.com" for example it
automatically redirects me to "test6.tscnet.net" which then causes
imp_get_vinfo to use test6.tscnet.net. Can I bypass the redirect.php or
modify it to use the correct virtual name?
Brad Dameron Network Account Executive
TSCNet Inc. www.tscnet.com
Silverdale, WA. 1-888-8TSCNET