[imp] What might cause this?

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 8 May 2002 17:29:13 -0500

Quoting imp@lentner.com:

> I used the imap 2000 rpm and I didn't see any errors in the messages log but
> yes there was something in the maillog:

> May  8 16:24:24 cube imapd[866]: imap service init from
> May  8 16:24:24 cube imapd[866]: Command stream end of file, while reading
> line 
> user=??? host=UNKNOWN

Usually means the client (IMP/cclient) is dropping the connection to
the imap server (aborting) before it logs in.  Often this is because
of protocol mismatch (plain text, ssl, tsl, cram-md5, etc) between the
client and server.

One thing to try is the various options for the protocol in servers.php.
Try imap, imap/ssl, imap/notls, etc.

Eric Rostetter

Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull a rabbit from my hat!