[imp] Fatl Error at login
antonio d'acierno
Fri, 10 May 2002 09:31:58 +0200
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Hi all!
I'm a new user of both Linux and IMP.
I have Red Hat 7.1 on a PC with sendmail.
If I use POP server i have the following
"Fatal error: No parent class available in this context in
/var/www/html/mail/horde/imp/lib/Identity/IMP.php on line 34
at login" when I try to login.
Moreover, I know the difference among POP and IMAP (or, at least, I guess
to know :-( )
but what's the difference when I use a web mail????
Please, help me!
Antonio d'Acierno
via Roma 52 A/C Avellino
Tel: +0825.299513
mobile: 328.9372121
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Hi all!<br><br>
I'm a new user of both Linux and IMP.<br>
I have Red Hat 7.1 on a PC with sendmail.<br><br>
If I use POP server i have the following<br>
<b>"Fatal error</b>: No parent class available in this context in
<b>/var/www/html/mail/horde/imp/lib/Identity/IMP.php</b> on line
</b>at login" when I try to login.<br><br>
Moreover, I know the difference among POP and IMAP (or, at least, I guess
to know :-( )<br>
but what's the difference when I use a web mail????<br><br>
Please, help me!<br><br>
Antonio d'Acierno<br>
ISA - CNR<br>
via Roma 52 A/C Avellino<br>
Tel: +0825.299513<br>
mobile: 328.9372121<br>
<a href="http://www.isa.av.cnr.it/dacierno/" eudora="autourl">http://www.isa.av.cnr.it/dacierno/<br>
</a><a href="mailto:dacierno.a@isa.av.cnr.it" eudora="autourl">mailto:dacierno.a@isa.av.cnr.it</a></html>
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