[imp] Outlook XP And Linux IMAP Server

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Mon, 13 May 2002 11:26:55 +0200

Zitat von Jim Hale <jim-ml@halemail.dyndns.org>:

> Not sure if this is a Linux or IMP issue so sorry for the Crossposting.
> I'm trying to do away with the Exchange 2000 Box. I'm experimenting with
> keeping all my folders and such on the Linux box (which I just recently
> installed IMP) - now everything seems to work fine for the most part,
> but every so often, Outlook comes back with an error that it lost
> connection with the IMAP Server. If I go back and click on a folder
> (thru Outlook) located ON the IMAP Server, it's all fine.

That has nothing to do with IMP but rather your imap server and Outlook. I 
experienced the same but didn't have that problem after I completely 
dropped Outlook. :-)


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