[imp] Found Something A Bit Distressing...

Jim Hale jim-ml@halemail.dyndns.org
Tue, 14 May 2002 14:03:25 -0500

I got bored at work and tried to hit my Email site. Instead of having it go to 
IMP, I had it go to Horde which showed me a login box at the top and the cutesy 
little buttons at the bottom. Just for grins and giggles I clicked 
on 'Administration' - it went into an http directory showing user.php and a 
folder called css. When I clicked on the CSS folder, it brought up the options 
to modify the Cascading Style sheets. Keep in mind that I'm not logged by ANY 
account listed on the machine.

Why would it do this?


Jim Hale
Jim & Kathy's Website Collection

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