[imp] Error from horde/lib/MIME/Part.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Wed, 29 May 2002 10:09:39 -0600

Quoting Jan Kuipers <jrkuipers@lauwerscollege.nl>:

| Regarding HEAD branch:
| When I read a tripwire notification message, I get the following error:
| Warning: Undefined offset: 6 
| in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/hordenew/horde/lib/MIME/Part.php on line 324
| Example:
| -----------
| [snip]
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7-bit

Someone should tell tripwire - this is an invalid encoding.  From RFC 2045, 
the valid encoding mechanisms (BNF grammar):

     mechanism := "7bit" / "8bit" / "binary" /
                  "quoted-printable" / "base64" /
                  ietf-token / x-token

The dash in the encoding is screwing things up.  This can not be solved by 
IMP either - it is the imap_fetchstructure() call that can't determine what 
the encoding is.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder