AW: [imp] IMAP Quota Redhat 7.3 extra code

Eric Rostetter
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 10:15:00 -0500

Quoting Tilo Lutz <>:

> .....
> > $junk = exec("sudo /usr/bin/quota -u $imap_admin | grep /dev/md1",
> >     $quota_data,$return_code);
> .....
> Is the password stored anywhere?

Maybe.  If you use IMP auth for horde, and the machine you're doing quotas
on has the same accounts/passwords as the imap server, then yes, it is 

> Maybe it's better to use "su" instead of sudo
> because you don't need to run "quota" as root.

How exactly are you going to reliably and cross-platform pass the password
to the su command?

I think the current methods are the most flexible, though they do open up
the issue of running as root.  The other method would be using a standalone
(cgi) version of php so we could run it as the user, but that is again adding
some complexity/vulnerability to things.  So I'm not sure what the best
way of doing it is really... (or should I just say, there is no good way of
doing this?)

I can always grab the password, but I'm not sure how to feed that to any
program (login, su, sudo, etc) in a reliable manner (due to different OS
implementations of the programs).

> Tilo
> -- 
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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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