[imp] Courier IMAP and 'imp_show_quota'/today's HEAD Version.

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 06:50:37 -0700

Quoting Tjeerd van der Zee <Tjeerd.vdzee@chello.nl>:

| Hi,
| I've modified the quota script for use with courier imap and ldap.
| the only thing this is being done with ldap is retreive the homedir from
| ldap.
| you change that with the function in the original script.
| I've had some troubles also with quota functions of courier imap.
| You need to compile courier imap with
| --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs

Thanks for the code.

I always use that.  In fact, I even built the, just released, courier
mail suite, 38.2 and with --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs
out of desperation.

I think I may have found my problem after changing to your code. I
seem to have a problem reading the maildirsize because of a permissions
issue with apache2, courier and my shared virtual user uid.  I'll
fix that later after a 7am meeting and let you know.  I knew I was
going to have to address it but since it hadn't bitten me . . . .:-)

Again, thanks for the help,


| otherwise c-client will fail to retreive the quota for a user.
| The passwords is retreived from Horde, but if you wan't, you could also get
| it from ldap since the user is known.
| The user gets his quota with his own username and password.
| It searches for the maildirsize file in the homedir, when it isn't present,
| it just skips
| the quotabar creation.
| With kind regards,
| Tjeerd van der Zee.
|  if (!function_exists('imp_show_quota')) {
|     function imp_show_quota ($imp) {
|   $imapuser = $imp['user'];
|      $splitted  = split("@", $imapuser);
|   $realname = @$splitted[0]; $realm = @$splitted[1];
|   $imapadminpass = Auth::getCredential('password');
|   $imaphost = '{localhost:143}';
|   $quota_html = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0"
| cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="item"><table border="0" cellspacing="0"
| cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr>';
|   $quota_html .= '<td align="left" class="header">Login: ' . $realname . "
| (" . $imapuser . ")" . '</td>';
|   $ds=ldap_connect("localhost");
|   if ($ds) {
|    $r=ldap_bind($ds);
|    $sr=ldap_search($ds,"o=xar.nl", "mail=$imapuser");
|    $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
|    for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) {
|    @$homedir=$info[$i]["homedirectory"][0];
|    }
|    ldap_close($ds);
|   }
|     // check for the maildirsize file.
|   $homedir = $homedir . "/Maildir/maildirsize";
|   if(file_exists("$homedir")){
|   $userprefix = 'user.';
|   $mbox = imap_open($imaphost, $imapuser, $imapadminpass, OP_HALFOPEN) or
| die ("Imap host is down");
|   $quota = imap_get_quota($mbox, $userprefix.$imapuser) or die ("");
|   imap_close($mbox);
|      if (is_array($quota) && $quota['limit'] != 0) {
|         $taken   = $quota['usage'] / 1024.0;
|         $total   = $quota['limit'] / 1024.0;
|         $percent = $taken * 100 / $total;
|            if ($percent >= 90) {
|                $color = '#FF0000';
|            } elseif ($percent >= 80) {
|                $color = '#FCE30D';
|            } else {
|                $color = '#339933';
|            }
|      $quota_html .= '<td align="center" class="header">';
|            $quota_html .= sprintf("<font size=-2>Quota on /%s: %.1fMB/%.1fMB
| (%.1f%%)</font>", "Maildir", $taken, $total, $percent);
|            $quota_html .= '</td><td width="30" class="header"
| align="right"><font size="-3">0%</font></td><td width="200"
| class="header">';
|            $quota_html .= '<table width="100%"><tr><td
| bgcolor="#ccccff"><div style="height:6px; width:'. sprintf("%.1f%%",
| $percent). '; font-size:3px; background-color:'.$color.'">';
|            $quota_html .= '</div></td></tr></table></td><td width="30"
| class="header" align="left"><font size="-3">100%</font>';
|         } else {
|             $quota_html .= '<td align="center" class="header">';
|             $quota_html .= "Quota not available";
|         }
|         $quota_html .= '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
|         return $quota_html;
|   }
|  }
|  }
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "Edwin Culp" <eculp@encontacto.net>
| To: <imp@lists.horde.org>
| Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 8:32 AM
| Subject: Re: [imp] Courier IMAP and 'imp_show_quota'/today's HEAD Version.
| > Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net>:
| >
| > | I fixed the prevous problems and now get no errors but no quota although
| > | it works manually and the maildirsize file has been created with the
| proper
| > | values.  Somehow I'm not reading the quota.  I'm recompiling cclient
| right
| > | now.
| > I recompiled and reinstalled
| > imap-uw-2001a,1
| > cclient-2001a,1
| > mod_php4-4.2.1
| > restarted apache and still no quota.  I don't seem to be getting anything
| > our of courier.
| >
| > ed
| >
| > |
| > | Thanks,
| > |
| > | ed
| >
| >
| >
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| >  http://insourcery.com - Mergence of Business and Technology
| >           a "Griffin Plaza Partners, LLC" Company
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 http://insourcery.com - Mergence of Business and Technology  
          a "Griffin Plaza Partners, LLC" Company