[imp] Slow LIST "" * in huge installations

Kuhl, Oliver okuhl@netcologne.de
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 09:10:14 +0200

Hi @ll!

I'm testing IMP as Webmailer for a 100,000 users installation. Actually, our
2 main imap-server holds 40,000 users each. Now here comes the problem:

IMP lists the folders using the 'LIST "" *'-command, which takes 2.3 seconds
to run each time you refresh your inbox in IMP. That's why the server
searches for any folder, the user has the right to read. In my case the
server has to search for it in about 120,000 folders (supposing a user has 3
folders averaged). It results the folowing in my example:

* LIST () "." "INBOX"
* LIST () "." "INBOX.sent"
* LIST () "." "INBOX.testfolder"
a1 OK Completed

To speed it up, I tried the following command: 'LIST "INBOX" *' - the result
is exactly the same as shown above, but the result is there immediately. Ok,
I wont find any shared folders, but I don't need that.

No here comes my question:

Is there a possibility to configure IMP in the way that the command uses
"INBOX" instead of "" ? I didn't find an option that suits my requirement.

Thx in advance for your help!

