[imp] Realm problem

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 09:48:58 -0500

Quoting Jazz <jazzbr@yahoo.com.br>:

> >      Dear Sirs,
> > 
> >      I'm using the latest stable version of the
> > Horde
> > Framework + IMP webmail. I'm using IMAP+SSL in a
> > Novell Environment (throug Mercury), and IMP is
> > running in a Linux machine. Everything performs very
> > well, and I would like to congratulate the
> > developers
> > for this great product. Unfortunatly, I'm trying to
> > use the realm configuration in "servers.php"
> > configuration file in IMP, and it just ignores
> > everything I put there. I did configure IMP to use
> > the
> > servers list, and it works fine.
> > 
> >      Does anyone one know any hint to make the
> > realms
> > work?

Maybe you should let us know what you want to do with realms?  The realm
setting doesn't really do a whole lot.  It tags the preferences with the
realm (user@realm rather than user), and passes the realm for authentication
(user@realm rather than user).  Other than that it doesn't do much.

If the above is what you want, then it should work.  If you want something
else then please state what that is.

Also, if you think it doesn't work, can you tell us why you think it doesn't

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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