[imp] Log in into Horde/IMP
Jens Meyer
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 21:36:39 +0200
I installed the actual Horde and IMP and the installation went fine.
But there are some problems with authentication and my understanding of
the user-management.
I tried "SQL" - but my user tables are empty.
I changed to "imap" and after the config-fix with the faked
SSL-certificate I can login into Horde. But not to IMP, there shows up a
NOT FOUND-error: "The requested URL /horde/redirect.php was not found on
this server."
Hmm, the redirect.php is in horde/imp/ ...
Is there a fix for this problem and can you tell me a source for more
information about login, administration and the user-management?
Thanks, kind regards,
Jens Meyer
J e n s M e y e r
ICQ: 17942804