[imp] error using folders.php with INBOX as folders defined

Oliver Kuhl okuhl@netcologne.de
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 08:47:31 +0200

> > I still have the problem that I cannot use folders.php, when I define
> > 'INBOX' as folders in imp/config/servers.php. I have to do it to increase
> Have you tried 'INBOX.', instead? The . is important.
Yes, I did! But it's the same problem. At home I tried this configuration with
my courier-imap as backend and it worked.

It seems to have something to do with the mirapoint-imap-backend. But tell me:

If I set "folders" to "IMAP." the only thing that changes is that the
imap-command to get the folders-list is now: 'LIST "INBOX." *', right?

I tried this commands via telnet directly on the imap-server:

* OK Mirapoint IMAP4PROXY 1.0 server ready
1 login rr-test1 xxxxxxxx  
1 OK User logged in
2 LIST "" *
* LIST () "." "INBOX"
* LIST () "." "INBOX.Sent"
* LIST () "." "INBOX.testfolder"
2 OK Completed
* LIST () "." "INBOX"
* LIST () "." "INBOX.Sent"
* LIST () "." "INBOX.testfolder"
3 OK Completed
* LIST () "." "INBOX.Sent"
* LIST () "." "INBOX.testfolder"
4 OK Completed

Command 2 'LIST "" *' lasts 2.3 seconds because of 50.000 users on this machine.
Commands 3 and 4 are really fast.

Is there a difference between the commands I tried and the commands used by IMP?
Do you expect other results?

Is there an easy way to debug each step - maybe by setting $debug=true or
something like that?

Please help me to get that problem solved!

Thanx, chuck!
