[imp] Spell check errors with apostrophe's

Michael Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 16:22:59 +0100

I just installed aspell here... and found the same problem... the
escapeShellCmd() command adds slashes on single quotes which messes things up. a
patch for my fix is below.

This does not fix the other bug I just noticed, the echo command has a maximum
length that it will accept on windows systems :-( so i can't spell check this email.

just looking at the code and there is some special case code in there for French
spell checking, does this actually work? it looks like it might get messed up
with the escapeShellCmd() call too... but i can't speak or type french so
wouldn't really know :-)

FYI: Windows users - aspell is easy to install.. just download the binary,
extract it to somewhere and point IMP to it, that's it... and i've put it off
for months thinking it could be hard :-)

- Mike :-)

Index: imp/spelling.php
RCS file: /httpd/horde/imp/spelling.php,v
retrieving revision 2.40
diff -I$Horde -I$Revision -I$Date -u -r2.40 spelling.php
--- imp/spelling.php	2002/03/21 16:57:19	2.40
+++ imp/spelling.php	2002/06/26 15:13:59
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@
 } else {
     $tocheck = '"' . str_replace("\n", "\n^", $tocheck) . '"';
+$tocheck = str_replace("\\'", "'", $tocheck);
 exec("echo $tocheck | " . $conf['utils']['spellchecker'] . ' -a ' . $spell_opt,
 $msg = '';

Quoting Dominic Ijichi <dom@ijichi.org>:

> Hi,
> I'm getting a problem when trying to spell check words with apostrophes
> (I've,
> wouldn't, shouldn't, didn't etc etc).  Works perfectly apart from that.
> Magic quotes turned off.  Get this on RELENG and HEAD.  Aspell 33.7.1p2,
> Pspell
> 12.2, PHP 4.2.1.
> eg, when I try and check this message, I get lines such as:
> '"ve" in erminator and everything goes ho'
> 'Correct  "wouldn" in wouldn I'm getting a problem when tr'
> Any ideas?
> dom
> ------------------------------------------
> This message was penned by the hand of Dom
> -- 
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This mail sent from Mike's CVS HEAD install of IMP: http://horde.org/imp/