[imp] small buglet

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 18:23:23 -0500

In imp/templates/message/navbar.inc there is an extra </a> tag inserted
after the "Message Source" link, which foobars some very strange browsers.
In this case, I only notice it on the Solaris version of Netscape Communicator
4.7 and no where else...

The fix is to line 20, change the "</a>" to " " (single space) as in
(excuse the wrapping):

Index: navbar.inc
RCS file: /repository/imp/templates/message/navbar.inc,v
retrieving revision 2.79
diff -u -r2.79 navbar.inc
--- navbar.inc  24 Jun 2002 19:30:45 -0000      2.79
+++ navbar.inc  3 Jul 2002 23:18:49 -0000
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 | <?php echo Horde::link(Horde::addParameter($self_link, 'actionID=' .
IMP_BLACKLIST), _("Blacklist"), 'widget') . _("Blacklist") ?></a>
 <?php endif; ?>
 <?php if (isset($source_link)): ?>
-| <?php echo $source_link ?></a>
+| <?php echo $source_link ?> 
 <?php endif; ?>
 <?php if ($conf['user']['allow_resume_all'] ||
($conf['user']['allow_resume_all_in_drafts'] && $imp['mailbox'] ==
IMP::preambleString() . $prefs->getValue('drafts_folder')) ||
($imp_headers->getFlag('draft'))): ?>
 | <?php echo Horde::link(IMP::composeLink(array(), array('actionID' => DRAFT,
'mailbox' => $imp['mailbox'], 'bodypart' => $bodypart, 'index' => $index,
'array_index' => $array_index)), _("Resume"), 'widget') . _("Resume") ?></a>

It appears the $source_link value already has the closing a tag.
Hope that helps...

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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to a brand, platform, product line, or programming language. It's relatively
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