[imp] charset used to encode headers

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Thu, 4 Jul 2002 15:46:22 +0200

Zitat von Wenzhuo Zhang <wenzhuo@zhmail.com>:

> I was using IMP-3.1 with the language set to "Chinese (Simplified".  I
> found that IMP picks up a charset in 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET', which is
> iso-8859-1 in my case (mozilla-1.0.0), to encode the subject header,
> disregarding the default charset GB2312 of the session. Thus, the body
> and the subject of sent messages are in different charsets.

> To fix the problem, I commented out the following chunk of code in
> MIME_Message::encode():

> Does it make sense?

Yes, definitely. I have no idea why noone ever discovered this before. Fixed
in cvs RELENG_2.

Michael, can you please take care that this is also fixed in HEAD?


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