[imp] Load Balancing and Cookies

Jessian Ferreira Cavalcanti jessian@usp.br
Thu, 4 Jul 2002 17:26:32 -0300 (EST)

Hello all,

thank you for all my silent doubts being solved by this list!

By the way, the most recent doubts must not remain silent...

We have here a frontend load balanced cluster for our
webmail system (IMP). There are four PCs running RedHat 7.3,
and a ServerIron web switch (yes, it deals with layer 7
switching !). Is there anyone in the list running similar
systems? Or someone who has already worked with ServerIron
Foundry Networks switch? 

The problem is: persistent or sticky connections are not 
working, and cookie based persistence isn't working also, 
but we understand this is some kind of misconfiguration. 

The last questions: Is there an option to set or unset
cookie based IMP sessions? Which timeout and expire 
configurations for sessions or cookies
in httpd.conf and php.ini are recommended?

Thanks in advance
Electronic greetings