[imp] Re: new question
Eric Rostetter
Fri, 5 Jul 2002 10:57:22 -0500
Quoting Wout van Oostrum <wout@csfr.nl>:
> Is there an option to keep a copy of all sent items in a folder like 'sent
> items'?
If using IMAP then yes. If using POP3 then no.
> The only possibility to create folders is IN the Inbox, not at the same
> level as Inbox.
This depends on your IMAP server, not on IMP. You need to learn how your
IMAP server works.
> The problem than is that (in the webmail I didn't see any
> option for this) in (e.g.) Outlook you can specify a IMAP-folder for sent
> items, but that's impossible, because it doesn't accept a folder one level
> deeper than the Inbox.
You can set up a sent-mail folder no problem. Whether it is one level deeper
or not shouldn't matter, and is up to you and/or your IMAP server.
How to set up the sent-mail folder depends on which versions of IMP you run.
> It's nice to know what you've sent before and I think more people think so.
Yes, in fact I (and a lot of people) do just that.
> Grtz,
> Wout
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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