[imp] lib/folders.php - Does not Sort by Alpha

Rodolfo Segleau segleaur@mechanus.org
Sun, 7 Jul 2002 13:29:44 -0500

Well guys, I took some time out to look into this and I am not sure why the 
function is not actually sorting the folders in either the folder maintanence 
screen or the drop down lists. 
The pattern that it does sort it by is create date. Even with the maintanence 
procedures, the renamed sent-mail-(%date%) and the new sent-mail folder get 
appended at the end of the folder list. Has anyone else encountered this 
problem? I know Jan tried to help me out about a month ago on it, pointing me 
to the php files, but I could not find anything wrong in the code itself. 
Perhaps it's a problem with Linux / Alpha?

