[imp] Fwd: A question...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 13:42:24 -0400

----- Forwarded message from compiler@escomposlinux.org -----
    Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 19:35:51 +0200
    From: Santiago Romero <compiler@escomposlinux.org>
Reply-To: Santiago Romero <compiler@escomposlinux.org>
 Subject: A question...
      To: chuck@horde.org


 I know I should be using the mailing list but I'm in a real
 hurry in another computer different from mine and I need
 really an advice.

 I'm running IMP 2.2 and Horde 1.2.6 with the following:

 (P4@1200Mhz with 2GB RAM)
 Imap / Qmail-ldap / pop3 server
 (P4@1200Mhz with 2GB RAM)
 (HPUX with 1GB RAM).

 My problem is that about 1500 users started to use that
 webmail this monday, and I get htmlrender times (when clicking 
 on INBOX) of about 20-40 seconds. Can IMP work with 1500 users
 almost simultaneous, or that's too much for it? Maybe the
 hardware is not enough?

 I see in my stronghold logs lots of:

 client stopped connection before rwrite completed
 client stopped connection before rputs completed

 Maybe the IMAP is the bottleneck? (although I started courier
 imap with 1000 users by IP and 2000 simult users, and tcpserver
 with -c 2000).

 I'm really desesperate... thanks infinite for any help :(

  NoP / Compiler   | compiler@escomposlinux.org - ICQ #98602813   /\\
  Linux Debian 2.2 | http://escomposlinux.org/sromero - #74.821   \_V

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Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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