[imp]Yet another IE download/view issue

Igor Stroh stroh@scan-plus.de
10 Jul 2002 12:02:10 +0200

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Hi there,

some users experienced problems with attachments in IMP (3.1).
Everything works correctly: if they click on the filename link then a JS
popup window appears and the appropriate MIME-helper app tries to
display the attached file (e.g. Word/Excel/Acroread etc), but when they
click on the disc icon ("download") the attached file is again opened by
a MIME-helper app. The users say it's confusing (I know it's just an
issue of IE configuration). Is there a way to just let the client
download the attachment? If so, could someone point me to the
appropriate piece of code?

ScanPlus GmbH NOC Ulm - Germany - Griesbadgasse 7-13 - D 89073 Ulm
TEL +49 731 920 13 100 - FAX +49 731 920 13 290
eMail: support@scan-plus.de
Amtsgericht Ulm - HRB3220 - Geschaeftsfuehrer: Juergen Hoermann

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