[imp]deleting sent-mail or Trash

Thomas -Balu- Walter tw@itreff.de
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 18:08:54 +0200

+ Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu> [11.07.02 17:59]:
> > Hm - I didn't meant _those_ folders, but folders that are referenced to
> > in settings e.g. - sent-mail, draft, trash,...
> Again, I ask why not?  Why shouldn't I be able to delete my sent-mail, draft,
> trash, and other folders???  I fully expect to be able to delete them.

Of course, but you should get at least a warning that you have set up
imp to store drafts in there and similiar.

I didn't check if imp handles that the other way round (before storing
drafts in the corresponding folder) though (didn't think of other
clients yet)...

