AW: AW: [imp] HTML Mails

Eric Rostetter
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:11:31 -0500

Quoting Tilo Lutz <>:
> Eric wrote:
> > No, it bypasses your filters.  The fetch is done via pop/imap, and 
> > sendmail is not involved.  So the users would be vulnerable if they
> > fetched mail from elsewhere (if that elsewhere was not protected).
> That are bad news.
> How do you fetch mails?
> Maybe it's possible to include amavis

That would be a major re-write (to pass each message through a virus
checker as it is retrieved, before it is added to the mailbox).  Would
add a lot of overhead to the fetch.

Would solve the security issue though ;)
> Tilo

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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can be measured in dollars. It's also contagious -- someone with sufficient
political clout can infect an entire organization."

--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.