[imp] IMP 3.1 login username deafults to "root"

Rick Emery rick@emery.2y.net
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 17:20:15 -0400

I apologize if this has been answered before. I have read the FAQs, 
searched the mailing list archives, and browsed through the php scripts 
(I'm not a php programmer, but can limp my way through), and couldn't find 
info anywhere.

I have IMP set up to handle authentication. When anyone brings up the 
login page, the username defaults to "root". I would like the username to 
come up blank. Is this a setting somewhere, or can I modify a script to do 
this? A friend of mine is running a pre-release version, and his comes up 
blank. He also has a "new user" link under "Welcome to Horde" that I don't 
have. He said he didn't do anything special.

Thanks in advance,

To the developers: GREAT JOB!! As far as I'm concerned, IMP is a very 
powerful, feature-rich mail client that just happens to run in a web 
browser. I've been using it as my primary mail client and love it.