[imp] Windows XP caches login credentials.

Jon Parise jon@horde.org
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 16:25:05 -0400

On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 03:18:49PM -0500, Eric Rostetter wrote:

> My experience is that we have very large group of users who always use
> the defaults, and never even look at preferences/options, more less try
> to change (or even understand the implications) of them.  So, if browsers
> default to auto-complete on, with or without warning/confirmation, then 
> this is an issue for the security of these users...

This is getting silly.  Should we also warn the user when we see
they're using a weak password?

I'm as security conscience as anyone else, but I think this is going a
little bit too far.

If this is a real issue for a site, it's trivial for them to patch
their copy to include those tags.
Jon Parise (jon@horde.org) :: The Horde Project (http://horde.org/)