[imp] Placement of folder pulldowns
Eric Rostetter
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 08:58:27 -0500
Quoting "Roger B.A. Klorese" <rogerk@queernet.org>:
> Have you considered the UI implications of two pulldowns with identical
> choices one above the other -- one to select the active folder, one to
> select the folder to move or copy to?
I don't know about anyone else, but I've considered this. When I first started
using it, I hit the wrong one from time to time. I thought, "This is not
good, I need to find something better." So I tried several different changes
and I never did come up with anything better. In the mean time, I found that
after a couple of weeks of use the problem goes away.
So, my points are:
1) I think it is bad, as it causes problems for new users.
2) The problems go away after a week or two as people learn what's where.
3) Try as I might, I couldn't find a better place to put things...
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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