[imp] I have not IMAP Support....

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 12:57:18 -0500

Quoting "J. Felipe Rodriguez Romero" <feliper@cronopio.net>:

> Well, my problem is that my hosting company have not IMAP support... They 
> give me POP3 support but as far as I understand,  IMAP is a necessary 
> condition to install IMP.

IMAP mail server support is not needed.  You can use pop3, although you will
lose some functionality.

You *do* need imap support in php, because the imap module also handles the

So if you build php with the imap module, you should be fine, even if you
only have pop3.

> Does any one there have being in the same problem?... If so, what did you 
> do to solve it? Any suggestion would be appreciate... any.....

It will work fine with pop3.

> J. Felipe Rodriguez

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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