[imp] Mailing Lists..

Mick Bellears michael.bellears@staff.datafx.com.au
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 16:45:46 +1000

Sorry for the slight cross-post.

If I create a 'mailing list' with comma-seperated address:


I get the following error:


Which, according to the FAQ:

"Addresses in the headers such as the above are produced by PHP, not IMP
(via the IMAP c-client library), and are most often the result of a user
using semicolons instead of commas to separate addresses."

I have also tried semi-colons, but receive the same error message.

Is there a work-around for this?

I've seen mention of the latest Turba will support this feature - Can I run
the latest version of Turba with my current versions of Horde/Imp ?

I am running:

Horde: 2.1 
IMP: 3.1
Turba: 1.1 
qmail 1.03
