[imp] Virtual domains & Multiple domains (popaccount
Antti Liljo
Wed, 07 Aug 2002 16:06:59 +0300
Proper function would do the trick.. but unfortunately PHP is not one of my
main areas.. any ready, anyone? This function should be pretty simple; it
should just check /etc/mail/virtusertable for the popaccount given from the
login-form and then change it to what.ever@address.com (and removes
-- Antti
At 14:58 7.8.2002 +0200, Tim Gorter wrote:
>Have a look at the hooks section at the bottom of the imp/config/conf.php
>from there you can override many of the settings.
>you'll be wanting to adjust 'imp_expand_fromaddress' part.
>hope this helps,
>Wednesday, August 7, 2002, 2:11:42 PM, you (imp) wrote:
>AL> Hi,
>AL> I have a problem. Im using Red hat 7.2 (2.4.18), Apache/1.3.22 (Unix),
>AL> Sendmail and Horde 2.0 with IMP 3.0.
>AL> I host more than 200 virtual domains on one single server. All the
>AL> have a lot of e-mail addresses configured in Sendmail. I would like to
>AL> a webmail service that everyone could use - as easily as possible. I
>AL> like to make one single address that everyone could use, but im
starting to
>AL> think that is is not possible with new version of Horde and Imp.. ?
>AL> At the moment I created a solution, that doesnt do everything I want,=
>AL> does something. The solution is that first I create VirtualHost
>AL> webmail.domain.com and make its DocumentRoot point to IMP. This works
>AL> finely, becouse I edited imp/config/servers.php and did some changes I
>AL> found from mailinglist archives of IMP, and this is what I did:
>AL> --copycopycopycopy--
>AL> $domain=preg_replace("/(\w+)\.([\w\-]+)\.(\w+)\:*.*/",
>AL> $servers['imap'] = array(
>AL> 'name' => 'IMAP protokolla',
>AL> 'server' => 'imap.gstdomain.net',
>AL> 'protocol' => 'imap',
>AL> 'port' => 143,
>AL> 'folders' => 'mail/',
>AL> 'namespace' => '',
>AL> 'maildomain' => $domain,
>AL> 'preferred' => "webmail.$domain"
>AL> );
>AL> --copycopycopycopy--
>AL> Now it works fine, if my client opens for example
>AL> http://webmail.hisdomain.com, but I still face one small problem..
when the
>AL> client logs in his maildomain will be of course right, @hisdomain.com,
>AL> the problem that is still there is that hes email-address (when he=
>AL> mail from IMP) is popaccount@hisdomain.com, and it should be
>AL> his.name@hisdomain.com (taken from where ever, /etc/mail/virtusertable=
>AL> my guess.. ?)
>AL> Can anyone tell me how I could do this with as little modifications or
>AL> "stabbing" possible.. :)
>AL> Yours, Antti Liljo
>AL> Antti Liljo, Internet-suunnittelija
>AL> GST Graafinen Studio
>AL> Rautatienkatu 13 B, 90100 OULU
>AL> Puhelin (08) 3121 540, GSM 044 276 5713, FAX (08) 3121 541
>AL> sähköposti: antti.liljo@graafinenstudio.com
>AL> Internet: http://www.graafinenstudio.com
>Teletechnics Afield
>Tel +44 (0)7785 977 087 Fax +44 (0)20 7681 1178
>mailto:email@teletechnics.com http://www.teletechnics.com
>currently in: Barcelona, Spain
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Antti Liljo, Internet-suunnittelija
GST Graafinen Studio
Rautatienkatu 13 B, 90100 OULU
Puhelin (08) 3121 540, GSM 044 276 5713, FAX (08) 3121 541
sähköposti: antti.liljo@graafinenstudio.com
Internet: http://www.graafinenstudio.com