[imp] Mark a message as forwarded

Igor Stroh stroh@scan-plus.de
07 Aug 2002 22:25:07 +0200

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Hi there,

I extended the filter rules so that I can forward a message if a rule
triggers. The problem is, I have to mark this message as already
filtered somehow, 'cos it remains in the INBOX after the rule was
applied... My first idea was to tag the mail as FLAGGED, but then I
realized that IMP uses \\Flagged to mark important messages, so I asked
at #horde and a guy (thnx ShadowSpawn :) ) came up with the idea to set
a header in the filtered mail... something like "X-Forwarded: <date>".
The thing is, the whole procedure becomes pretty complicated:

o fetch the message from the imap server (header and body + multipart=20

o set the header (PGP signed stuff is fscked up then)

o resend the message

o check if it has arrived and flag it as UNSEEN or RECENT (paranoia=20

Does anyone have a better idea of how to solve the problem (except
storing the uids of filtered mails in $prefs)?


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