[imp] error on opening folders

Tim Gorter email@teletechnics.com
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 23:51:09 +0200

using RELENG_3

I'm getting following error below, the first time I choose to look at the
folders from IMP, by selecting the folders icon in the menu.

Every other time it is fine, I can only reproduce it, if I log on again and
choose the folders icon again.

I also tried it with a fresh install of IMP RELENG_3 and the same happens.

It seems to be happening on the call during the function initializeTree()
in imp/folders.php, in the line $imaptree->init(....)
but I cannot trace it further, so if anyone knows something about this,
much appreciated.


Warning: Undefined index: attributes in /usr/local/etc/httpd/vhosts/horde-
cvs/horde-releng/imp/lib/Tree.php on line 729

Warning: Undefined index: next in /usr/local/etc/httpd/vhosts/horde-cvs/horde-
releng/imp/lib/Tree.php on line 693

Warning: Undefined index: level in /usr/local/etc/httpd/vhosts/horde-cvs/horde-
releng/imp/lib/Tree.php on line 694