[imp] IMAP speed

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 11:27:12 -0500

Quoting Juan Enrique Gómez <juanen@metropoli2000.com>:

> I am using UW imap server, and when accessing to the mail system or
> reading a mail is extremely slow, all the systems are reasonablely idle,
> and i dont know what can i do to speedup the performance, any
> suggestion, or any place to look?

What kind of load?  What do you define as "extremely slow?"  And is it slow
only with IMP, or with all mail clients.  What are the machine specs?

1) WU-Imap doesn't scale well with the default mbox format mailbox.  If you
have a very large user base, switch mail stores and/or mailbox formats.  If
you have a small user base then this shouldn't be a real problem.

2) If you set up the folders wrong, you can get terrible performance as
the folder search will search your entire directory, or even the entire
filesystem or system.  So make sure your folder setup is currect in

3) Provide more useful so we can make actually useful suggestions.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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